Chino Hills Air Conditioner & Heating Service

We are based out of Corona, which means if you live, or operate a business in Chino Hills we can just cruise up Hwy 71 and in a few minutes be helping you with any AC or furnace issues that are giving you trouble. In fact, since 2018 we've helped dozens of your neighbors with these services:
Reviews from Our Chino Hills Customers

Thanks to Wikipedia for the above image and fun fact information
Fun Fact About Chino Hills:
The area was the fictionalized location of the initial Martian spacecraft's landing in 1953's The War of the Worlds. In the film, Pastor Collins, a resident of nearby Corona, California, refers to the meteor as having landed "halfway to Pomona". Subsequent geographical references by Colonel Heffner indicate the landing place as somewhere near "Carbon Canyon".
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